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Is It Bad to Wear Reading Glasses When You Have Perfect Vision?

Is It Bad to Wear Reading Glasses When You Have Perfect Vision?

Reading glasses work wonders for people with presbyopia, a refractive error common to aging eyes. You can get them with or without an eye prescription, and they function by magnifying your near vision so that it’s easier to read and examine objects close to your face. 

Is it bad to wear reading glasses when you have perfect vision, though? Here’s what our eye care team has to say.


Is it bad to wear reading glasses when you have perfect vision?

People sport reading glasses for many reasons, with the most common being to make it easier to see things up close. If you read a lot or perform other tasks at close range for long periods, your eyes may feel strained. 

Generally, strained eyes with near vision are associated with farsightedness. However, you might have similar symptoms just by observing something up close for too long. For this reason, reading glasses may come in handy.

So, is it bad to wear reading glasses when you have perfect vision? No, wearing reading glasses shouldn’t hurt your eyes, even if you don’t have any problems with your eyesight. However, if you’re not used to the magnification level, it can take time for you to adjust. 

Consider wearing reading glasses if you want to alleviate eye strain when performing near vision tasks. However, by scheduling an eye exam with a qualified Independent Doctor of Optometry first, you may find that a different type of glasses suits you better.

Our optometrists may run several vision tests to see whether a prescription would benefit your eyes. So, if you experience any eye irritation, besides the occasional eye strain when staring at a screen for too long, we recommend scheduling an eye appointment before getting reading glasses or any other form of eyewear


Does wearing glasses worsen your eyesight?

No, wearing glasses shouldn’t worsen your eyesight–even if you have 20/20 vision. People wear glasses for many reasons, such as to correct the way the eyes process light and visuals. Needing glasses doesn’t necessarily indicate poor vision, and just because you have a refractive error doesn’t mean you’ll need to wear corrective eyewear.

The decision to wear glasses is up to you. If your eyes feel fine, and your vision is sufficient without them, they might be unnecessary. However, know that glasses can improve your eyesight while you’re wearing them–as long as you get the correct prescription. The moment you take them off, any vision loss symptoms you had before may come back. 

Is It Bad to Wear Reading Glasses When You Have Perfect Vision?

Summary: Are reading glasses safe for those with good eyesight?

Reading glasses are beneficial for presbyopic people, as they can make it more comfortable for you to see things at close range. But what if you don’t have presbyopia or problems seeing things up close? Is it bad to wear reading glasses when you have perfect vision? 

No, wearing reading glasses shouldn’t hurt your eyes, no matter your level of visual acuity. You might want to wear them to make it a little easier to see text, especially if you do a lot of near vision tasks. However, if you’ve never worn magnifying lenses before, keep in mind that you may experience some discomfort until your eyes adjust to them. 

Using corrective lenses won’t damage your eyes, in general. But you’ll need to have a comprehensive eye exam with an optometrist to get the right prescription for your needs. Before purchasing reading glasses or any other glasses–prescription or not–get your eyes checked. Your vision may have changed since your last visit. 



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